Friday, December 19, 2014

2014: An Amazing Year for Spectrum ArtWorks

It has been an amazing year for Spectrum ArtWorks. 2014 has brought positive changes to the program as well as a new Program Coordinator. So, with that in mind, here is a break down of the program. It describes the components of the program, a summary of outcomes from 2014, and what we have planned so far for 2015...
Wallace R. White - An Italian Lady and the Artist Sparrow Wearing a Beret
What is RESOURCE’S Spectrum Artworks program?

Spectrum ArtWorks, a program of RESOURCE, is a multifaceted studio space that provides artists living with mental illness the opportunity to practice and strengthen their visual arts skills and artist related goals.

The program has two components of membership:

1.    The Core Group:

§  12 professional artists actively using the space to create new work and publicly break down stigmas related to mental illness.

§  Spectrum Artworks hosts an alumni program for non-active Core Group artists who can continue to use the studio and receive support.

2.    Open Studio:

§  Members of the Lighthouse use the studio space to create art and socialize with other artists.

Let’s break this down:

What impact does Spectrum ArtWorks have on our mission and community?

Ø  Spectrum ArtWorks promotes opportunities for members to become involved in the larger arts community by various methods including assisting members in finding group and individual exhibition opportunities, writing artist statements, resumes, biographies, and grant proposals.

Ø  The studio space is used as a place where artists can come together and connect with other artists. It is also an outlet to create new work. Annually, the Core Group prepares a group exhibition intended to exhibit in community spaces.

Ø  Open studio hours provide greater access to Spectrum ArtWorks’ services by engaging with the larger Lighthouse member base. Spectrum ArtWorks’ open studio hours have attracted individuals living with mental illness that wouldn’t normally access CSP services.  

2014 outcomes:

Ø  A highlight of 2014 was our Holiday Sale on December 5, 2014. It was a major success!  In combined sales, artists sold almost $4,200 worth of artwork. 

Ø  Lighthouse Art Group attendance has shown that there is demand for more open studio time.

Ø  We welcomed four new ArtWorks Core Group members.

Ø  We created an alumni program for Spectrum ArtWorks Core Group members that wish to take a non-active membership (members who take this position have been with the Spectrum ArtWorks Core Group for three years or more).

Ø  We partnered with Hennepin Theatre Trust to exhibit two Spectrum ArtWorks alumni artists
Our 2014 Holiday Sale was a tremendous success!
 Goals for 2015:

·         Procentive Log-In Project

(Winter 2015)

Ø  Procentive will feature artwork from the Core Group on a rotating basis as a way to increase awareness across their entire network of providers.

Ø  The goal is to encourage artists with a mental health diagnosis to participate beyond the Spectrum ArtWorks client and community base.

·          “Impossible Things” – Spectrum ArtWorks Core Group Exhibition (more news to come)

(Spring/Summer 2015)

Ø  Core Group artists thematically engage with the impossible by exploring imagination.

Ø  The exhibition will open May 2015 at the Nicollet Café in Minneapolis.

·         Partnership with Minneapolis College of Art and Design

(Spring 2015)

Ø  Spectrum ArtWorks will host a Teaching Artist Internship opportunity for MCAD undergraduate students interested in becoming a teaching artist.

Ø  Interested students will have a particular goal to work with artists with disabilities.

Ø  2 Teaching Artist Interns will start in January – May 2015 to directly assist with lesson development (based upon member needs) and assist Core Group Artist members at practicing and strengthening skills.

·         “What’s Left: Lives Touched by Suicide”

(Fall 2015)

·         Spectrum ArtWorks is being commissioned by John Bauer, the curator of “What’s Left,” a multi-media art exhibit featuring the works, which depict the pain and suffering left behind from suicide to produce one piece for the traveling art show.

·         Christi Furnas, Spectrum ArtWorks Peer Support Specialist will lead the project.

·         Core Group artists will collaborate to produce one piece for the traveling art show.

·         Photovoice

(Fall 2015)

·         Spectrum ArtWorks will plan, organize, and execute a public exhibition of Photovoice, a recovery-based participatory project that elicits personal storytelling through images.

·         Spectrum ArtWorks will partner with RESOURCE’S community support programs to develop content for the exhibit.

·         Spectrum ArtWorks will partner with a community location to exhibit artwork.

·         Extend open studio hours

Ø  Lighthouse members have shown that they want to use the studio. Members use the open studio hours to create new artwork. They also have access to art workshops and activites as well as art supplies and peer support.

Ø  We often have 15-20 members participating in art group at one time!

·         Continue to partner with other arts-related galleries, programs, and organizations

Ø  To help members gain larger access to the local arts community by organizing art-based activities and opportunities outside of the studio space.

For further information on programming, to purchase artwork, or make a contribution, please contact Jes Reyes, Spectrum ArtWorks’ Arts Specialist at (612) 752-8282 or
Cecile Bellamy sold Building Community, a massive beauty of meaning and hope, at the Holiday Sale!

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