Tuesday, September 5, 2017

ArtWorks now accepting poster contest submissions - must be a RESOURCE/Avivo participant to enter

ArtWorks is now accepting submissions for our 2nd Annual “I’m Worth It” Poster Contest! Your new artwork should creatively visualize how living free of commercial tobacco can help everyone breathe well. Show the community the impact living tobacco-free can have on your life, those around you, and the air we all breathe. You must be a RESOURCE/Avivo participant to enter.

RESOURCE/Avivo is committed to improving the health and well-being for the people we serve and the staff who work here by embedding wellness into our organizational culture. 

One step we will take is to spend the next year preparing to become a tobacco-free organization on July 30, 2018.  This poster contest will help inspire our communities to think about the impacts of smoking and the benefits of tobacco-free environments through a participant poster contest.  The deadline to enter the contest is Friday, October 6th at 3 PM. Email Jes Reyes at jreyes@resource-mn.org to collect submission materials. Art can be no bigger than 11x14 and no smaller than 5x7. All work must be flat and on paper. Images must be positive and uplifting.

Why a poster contest?
Poster contests provide educational opportunities for individuals to express their personal voice and convey their ideas regarding social, health, or cultural issues. The competitive nature of contests offers an incentive and chance to be recognized for their creative and meaningful contributions. Organizing a poster contest invites us to think about the given topic, aims to create conversation, and ultimately raises awareness.
*Tobacco refers specifically to the use of manufactured, commercial tobacco products, and not to the sacred, medicinal and traditional use of tobacco by American Indians and other groups.


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