Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Spectrum ArtWorks is changing its name!

Our new name is coming soon: Avivo ArtWorks

Did you know that RESOURCE is changing its name? Beginning this October the organization will be known as Avivo. This name change affects all of RESOURCE’S previous and current divisions, including Spectrum ArtWorks. The program will transition to its new name Avivo ArtWorks over the next month.

Peter, a Collective Member, working on City Life
Why the new name?

Our new name reflects our holistic work and wellness focus. Vivo means life. Avivo celebrates life and honors every person’s unique journey. It evokes a sense of achievement and promise and envisions a world free from economic and health disparities. Avivo’s “I” is our participant, surrounded by community. We know that this is a positive change!

Kandace, a Collective Member, working on the White Buffalo
Services and program activities are not changing, just our name is. If you have questions, please talk with Jes by emailing her at jreyes@resource-mn.org or by phone at (612) 752-8282.
Our new Avivo Logo
We will have special studio activities for studio members in September to honor our history as Spectrum ArtWorks and celebrate our new future as Avivo ArtWorks.

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